What is Natural Capitalism in Canada?

Dean Emerick

August 8, 2023

What is Natural Capitalism in Canada?

Imagine standing in the massive boreal forests of Canada, breathing in the fresh air, and realizing you’re surrounded by a wealth of natural resources. Now imagine if these resources, from the towering trees to the fertile soil beneath your feet, were recognized not just for their beauty, but their economic value. This is the essence of natural capitalism, an economic approach that highly values natural resources and ecosystem services, with a focus on sustainable practices. As our journey through this blog post begins, we will explore how Canada, a country rich in natural resources, is leveraging this concept to its advantage.

Short Summary

  • Natural Capitalism is a concept involving sustainable resource management and the use of renewable resources, with potential benefits for both environment and economy.
  • Strategies to promote Natural Capitalism include policy recommendations, business practices, and individual actions.
  • Solr Solvr provides resources on sustainability related topics such as solar energy in Canada.

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Understanding Natural Capitalism

Natural capitalism, in its essence, is a shift in perspective. It’s an economic approach that takes into account the fact that natural resources, such as:

  • natural gas
  • rare earth metals, including rare earth elements
  • forests
  • soil

Natural resources, such as crude oil, iron ore, and other natural resources, are not just ‘nice to have’ but crucial for our survival and prosperity. It recognizes that these resources are the raw materials that fuel our economies and that their value goes beyond their immediate economic benefits. Just as a business would take care of its assets, so should we care for our most valuable natural resources, including the most natural resources.

However, understanding natural capitalism is more than acknowledging the economic value of resources. It’s about recognizing that these resources, like the oxygen-supplying forests and nutrient-rich soil, are finite and need to be managed sustainably. As resources naturally deplete, it’s crucial to ensure that we don’t exhaust our supply of these resources, but rather, take measures to replenish them, ensuring their availability for future generations.

As we delve deeper into the principles and benefits of natural capitalism, we will see how it’s not just an economic theory, but a roadmap for protecting natural resources and ensuring our long-term survival.

Principles of Natural Capitalism

The principles of natural capitalism serve as a guide, directing us towards a more sustainable and resource-efficient future. These principles are:

  1. Radically Enhance Resource Productivity
  2. Transition to Biologically Inspired Production Models (Biomimicry)
  3. Transition to a Solutions-Based Business Model
  4. Reinvest in Natural and Human Capital

Each of these principles takes us a step further towards the goal of sustainable resource management, reducing our reliance on finite resources, and enhancing the total natural resource value.

Resource productivity, for instance, is about generating more with less. It’s about using resources such as arable land more effectively, curbing waste, and finding ways to reuse and recycle resources. Biomimicry, on the other hand, is about taking cues from nature to design products and services. It’s about studying the natural world and applying its principles and processes to create sustainable solutions.

The transition to a solutions-based business model focuses on creating products that are used and reused, rather than consumed and discarded, thereby promoting the use of renewable resources and reducing waste. Finally, investing in natural capital involves protecting and restoring the environment, while also reaping economic benefits.

These principles, when put into practice, pave the way for a future where our economy and environment can coexist harmoniously.

Benefits of Natural Capitalism

Natural capitalism, while requiring a shift in perspective and approach, comes with a multitude of benefits. These benefits extend beyond the environment, positively impacting our economies and societies as well. By valuing natural resources and promoting sustainable practices, natural capitalism reduces environmental impact, increases resource efficiency, and facilitates long-term economic growth.

For instance, by enhancing resource proficiency and conservation, natural capitalism aims to decrease our environmental footprint. It encourages organizations to:

  • innovate and implement new technologies that reduce their impact on the environment
  • increase profits while addressing environmental issues
  • consider the role of nature in the economy and human welfare

By doing so, it helps create a more balanced and sustainable economic model. Moreover, by promoting sustainable development and resource efficiency, natural capitalism holds the potential for long-term economic growth. Thus, the benefits of natural capitalism are multifaceted, making it a viable and necessary approach in our modern economies.

The Role of Renewable Resources in Natural Capitalism

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Renewable resources play a crucial role in natural capitalism. They are the lifeline that sustains this approach, providing sustainable energy and reducing our dependence on non-renewable resources. From the wind that turns the turbines to the sun that lights up our homes, renewable resources are at the heart of natural capitalism.

Unlike non-renewable resources that deplete over time, renewable resources are not exhausted by utilization. They are nature’s gift that keeps on giving, providing us with a continuous supply of energy. Examples of renewable resources include wind and biodiesel, which can be harnessed to generate energy without causing extensive harm to the environment.

As we delve deeper into the role of renewable resources in natural capitalism, it becomes clear that these resources are not just alternatives to non-renewable resources, such as natural gas reserves, but essential components of a sustainable future.

Solar Energy

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One of the shining stars in the realm of renewable resources is solar energy. As a clean and renewable resource, solar energy can be harnessed for various purposes, from electricity generation to heating applications. In the context of natural capitalism, solar energy plays a significant role, reducing dependence on non-renewable resources and enhancing resource efficiency.

The advantages of solar energy are many. Not only does it reduce reliance on non-renewable resources, but it also reduces emissions and enhances resource productivity. However, like any other resource, the implementation of solar energy does bring its own set of challenges. These include policy barriers, technological restrictions, and economic considerations, all of which need to be addressed to fully harness the potential of solar energy.

Wind Power

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Just as the sun shines bright in the realm of renewable resources, so does the wind. Wind power is a sustainable energy source that can be used for electricity generation, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions and contributing to natural capitalism. As a form of renewable energy, it forms a crucial part of natural capital, facilitating the transition towards sustainable and circular economic models.

The advantages of utilizing wind power are numerous.

  • It is a clean, renewable energy source that can help decrease greenhouse gas emissions
  • It provides a reliable source of electricity
  • It is cost-effective
  • It can be used to generate electricity in remote locations.

However, like solar energy, wind power also comes with its share of challenges. Some of these challenges include:

  • Intermittency: Wind power is dependent on weather conditions, which can make it difficult to predict and manage.
  • Cost: The installation of wind turbines can be costly.
  • Environmental impact: The installation of wind turbines can have a negative impact on the environment.

Despite these challenges, wind power is still a valuable source of renewable energy.


environment, ecology, environmental protection

The realm of renewable resources in natural capitalism is not limited to the sun and the wind. It also includes biomass, organic matter that can be used as a fuel source. This includes wood, agricultural waste, and other plant-based materials. As a renewable resource, biomass can be converted into energy, biofuels, and other valuable products, thereby contributing to natural capitalism.

The utilization of biomass brings with it multiple advantages. It reduces greenhouse gas emissions, provides a renewable energy source, and creates jobs in the renewable energy sector. However, like other renewable resources, the use of biomass also comes with challenges. These include the cost of production and potential environmental repercussions of harvesting and burning biomass.

Challenges in Implementing Natural Capitalism

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While the concept of natural capitalism and the use of renewable resources bring with them numerous benefits, they also present some challenges. These include policy barriers, technological limitations, and economic factors, all of which can hinder the implementation of natural capitalism.

Policy barriers, for instance, include the absence of incentives for businesses to adopt sustainable practices, the lack of regulations to ensure businesses are held accountable for their environmental impacts, and insufficient public awareness of the benefits of natural capitalism. Technological barriers include the scarcity of available renewable energy sources, the absence of efficient energy storage solutions, and the lack of cost-effective methods to capture and store carbon dioxide.

Economic factors, on the other hand, include:

  • the high cost of renewable energy sources
  • the lack of access to capital for businesses to invest in sustainable practices
  • the lack of incentives for businesses to adopt these practices.

As we delve deeper into these challenges, it becomes clear that overcoming them requires a concerted effort from all stakeholders.

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Policy Barriers

Policy barriers pose a significant hurdle to the implementation of natural capitalism. These barriers can often favor short-term economic gains over long-term sustainability, rewarding companies for wasting natural resources and undermining efforts to protect and conserve these resources. Regulations that prioritize short-term gains can include subsidies for unsustainable practices, such as fossil fuel extraction, and lax environmental regulations.

Incentivizing the wasting of natural resources in both the private and public sectors could include offering tax breaks to companies that utilize unsustainable practices, as well as granting government contracts that prioritize short-term economic gains over long-term sustainability. The prevailing capitalist approach towards preserving the environment has been met with criticism for its depletion of natural resources and generation of unsustainable levels of waste.

Overcoming these policy barriers requires a shift in mindset, one that values long-term sustainability over short-term gains.

Technological Limitations

While technology has played a key role in advancing natural capitalism, it also presents its own set of limitations. These limitations revolve around the need for innovation and development of sustainable technologies and infrastructure. Overcoming these limitations is crucial for the effective implementation of natural capitalism.

The lack of readily available renewable energy sources, for instance, can hinder the shift towards a more sustainable energy mix, as reliance on fossil fuels remains. Similarly, the absence of efficient energy storage solutions can make it difficult to harness and utilize renewable energy effectively. Furthermore, the lack of cost-effective methods to capture and store carbon dioxide can hinder efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Overcoming these technological limitations requires investment in research and development, as well as the adoption of innovative solutions that can bring us closer to a sustainable future.

Economic Factors

Economic factors can also impede the implementation of natural capitalism. These factors can include:

  • The high cost of renewable energy sources
  • The lack of access to capital for businesses to invest in sustainable practices
  • The lack of incentives for businesses to adopt sustainable practices

For instance, the availability and functionality of natural capital, such as life-supporting services, and the absence of accounting for ecosystem services in capitalist systems are economic factors that impede natural capitalism. Investing in natural capitalism is imperative to ensure that natural capital is preserved and utilized in a sustainable manner. This involves investments in renewable energy sources, sustainable agriculture, and conservation of natural resources.

The current demand for sustainable products and services indicates that consumers are becoming increasingly aware of the environmental and economic benefits of sustainable practices. Competitive pricing for sustainable products and services is crucial to ensure they are accessible to a wide range of consumers, helping to ensure that sustainable practices are adopted by more people.

Case Studies: Successful Examples of Natural Capitalism

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While the challenges to implementing natural capitalism are significant, there are also successful examples that can serve as beacons of hope. Examples include Costa Rica, and Canada who showcase how sustainable practices can lead to economic growth and environmental conservation.

These case studies provide inspiring examples of natural capitalism in action, showing how businesses and countries alike can embrace sustainable practices, enhance resource productivity, and enjoy the benefits of a more balanced and sustainable economic model. They serve as a testament to the potential of natural capitalism and a reminder of the urgent need to prioritize sustainability in our economies.

Costa Rica

Costa Rica, a leading country worldwide based on natural capitalism, is another shining example in action. Recognized as a global leader in sustainable development, the country has implemented a number of measures to preserve its natural resources, promote sustainable agriculture, and transition to renewable energy sources.

These efforts have resulted in impressive economic growth, increased biodiversity, and an enhanced quality of life for its citizens. Costa Rica’s success serves as a powerful reminder of the potential of natural capitalism, showing how a country can prosper economically while preserving its natural resources and promoting sustainability.


Canada, with its abundance of natural resources, is yet another example of natural capitalism in action. The country has implemented a number of policies and initiatives to promote sustainable practices, such as carbon pricing and renewable energy incentives.

These efforts, combined with Canada’s thriving clean technology industry and access to a range of natural resources, have positioned the country as a leader in natural capitalism. Canada’s success serves as a powerful example of how a country can leverage its natural resources to promote sustainability and achieve economic growth.

Strategies for Promoting Natural Capitalism

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While the challenges to implementing natural capitalism are significant, they are not insurmountable. There are several strategies that can be employed to promote natural capitalism, including policy recommendations, business practices, and individual actions. In this section, we delve deeper into these strategies, providing a roadmap for the promotion of natural capitalism.

These strategies, while varied, all share a common goal – to promote sustainable practices, enhance resource productivity, and ensure the preservation and sustainable use of our natural resources. By implementing these strategies, we can pave the way for a future where our economy and environment coexist harmoniously.

Policy Recommendations

Policy recommendations for promoting natural capitalism include:

  • Creating incentives, regulations, and support for sustainable practices and technologies
  • Acknowledging natural capital in economic reporting
  • Constructing statistics for environmental-economic decisions
  • Promoting conservation and environmental policy

Such policies can create an enabling environment for businesses and individuals to adopt sustainable practices. They can provide the necessary incentives and support to foster innovation, promote resource efficiency, and encourage the protection and conservation of natural resources. By implementing these policy recommendations, we can create a policy landscape that supports and promotes natural capitalism.

Business Practices

Business practices that promote natural capitalism center on adopting sustainable practices, investing in renewable resources, and promoting corporate social responsibility. Businesses can enhance their resource productivity by using fewer resources to produce the same amount of goods or services, leveraging resources more effectively, and adopting biologically inspired production models.

By making a commitment to sustainability, businesses can reduce their environmental impact, meet the growing demand for sustainable products and services, and contribute to the promotion of natural capitalism. With these practices in place, businesses can play a crucial role in driving the transition to a more sustainable economy.

Individual Actions

Finally, individual actions play a crucial role in promoting natural capitalism. These actions can range from making sustainable choices in our daily lives, to supporting eco-friendly businesses, to advocating for environmental policies.

By taking these actions, each of us can make a difference. We can:

  • Contribute to the promotion of sustainable practices
  • Support businesses that prioritize sustainability
  • Advocate for policies that protect our natural resources

Together, our individual actions can add up to a significant impact, helping to pave the way for a more sustainable future.

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About solrsolvr.com

Solrsolvr.com is a platform that provides information and resources on sustainability, renewable energy, and solar installation. Whether you’re a homeowner looking to save on your energy bills, a business looking to reduce your carbon footprint, or an individual interested in making more sustainable choices, solrsolvr.com can assist you in your journey.

With a focus on solar energy, one of the most promising renewable resources, solrsolvr.com connects homeowners with certified installers in Canada. For companies it also has a list of vetted commercial solar installers. It provides a wealth of information and resources, helping you make well-informed decisions about your energy use. Whether you’re new to the world of sustainability or a seasoned pro, solrsolvr.com is your go-to resource for all things solar and sustainable.


As we come to the end of our journey through natural capitalism, we are left with a clear understanding of its potential and the role it can play in creating a sustainable future. From the forests of Canada to the wind turbines in Costa Rica, the examples of natural capitalism in action serve as a beacon of hope and a testament to the potential of sustainable practices.

While the challenges to implementing natural capitalism are significant, they are not insurmountable. With the right policy measures, business practices, and individual actions, we can promote natural capitalism and pave the way for a future where our economy and environment coexist harmoniously. The journey to a sustainable future may be long, but with each step we take, we move closer to our goal.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is meant by natural capitalism?

Natural capitalism is an economic system that recognizes the symbiotic relationship between business and environmental interests, enabling businesses to increase profits, satisfy customer needs, and help solve ecological issues simultaneously.

It is based on the idea that businesses can be profitable while also being socially and environmentally responsible. This system encourages businesses to use resources more efficiently, reduce waste, and invest in renewable energy sources. It also encourages businesses to invest in research and development to create new products.

What are the 4 principles of natural capitalism?

The four principles of Natural Capitalism are: radically increasing resource productivity, biomimicry for production models, transitioning to a solutions-based business model, and reinvesting in natural and human capital.

These principles are designed to help businesses become more sustainable and profitable. They focus on reducing waste, using renewable resources, and investing in the environment and people. By implementing these principles, businesses can create a more sustainable future.

What is an example of natural capitalism?

An example of natural capitalism is the use of forests, which provide timber resources and act as carbon sinks. This ensures economic stability through renewable and non-renewable natural resources of an ecosystem.

What are the characteristics of natural capitalism?

Natural Capitalism is an economic system that follows four interlinking principles - increased resource productivity, closed-loop production with zero waste, a business model that rewards both resource conservation and environmental protection, and reinvestment in natural capital.

What is Canada's natural resources ranked in the world?

Canada is the fourth-largest producer of natural resources in the world, with an estimated value of $33.2 trillion. It also ranks among the top five global producers for diamonds, gemstones, gold, indium, niobium, platinum group metals, titanium concentrate and uranium, as well as being the world’s fourth largest primary aluminum producer.